Research and Publications

Everyone in academia needs an unbiased and critical evaluation of his or her research for professional development and career advancement. However, sharing your prospective book manuscript or tenure dossier with friends, family, and even fellow colleagues may get you little more than a pat on the back or a sideways glance, as people who know the sacrifices that you have made are often unequipped or unable to give necessary guidance for your future success. Whether intentionally or not, these people often prove largely incapable of providing the honest, unvarnished critique and guidance required to aid you in a very tough and competitive job market – especially when matters of equity, diversity, and inclusion are at stake. If you want to increase your chances of success, you need the unvarnished opinion of an experienced, professional scholarly editor. If you want to be successful in an increasingly competitive market, work is necessary before you can begin the publication process.  Our approach is to provide professional mentoring, guidance, and assistance with developing a research agenda, editing and critiquing a manuscript, proofreading, reviewing tenure and promotion materials, and other key steps towards defining and attaining career goals with confidence.

Research and PublicationsProfessional Writing Services: Manuscript Evaluation/Critique, Copy Editing, and Proofreading
Thesis and Dissertation Services: Topic Proposal /
Literature Review/Research Methodology/Data Analysis/IRB
Guidance/Editorial Assistance/Dissertation Defense Prep
Academic Mentoring: Job Talk Prep/Journal Publication
Remember, our services can be adapted to meet any task, goal, or budget.